Maize has most market present in Ghana in terms of seed production and marketing. However, about 3% of maize area planted in Ghana is hybrids from the formal system whilst 87% of seeds was supplied.
by the informal system mainly OPVs and farmer’s saved seeds. This is partly due to fact many local seed producers don’t produce hybrid seeds but Open pollinated varieties. Imported hybrids are growing in popularity due to their superior yields performance and marketing by MNCs. There is limited production of local hybrids by private seed producers and local seed companies.
Maize has the most developed EGS value chain in the country with the most active private sector participation. Of the over 40 MT of FS required in 2014 for local production, GLDB supplied less than 50% with the NARI’s and private sector producing to augment the supply. Maize accounted for 71% of improved seeds output in 2015 and obaatanpa (25 years old variety) accounted for 77% of total local maize seeds production of 2,105MT.