Amos Rutherford Azinu holds a BSc degree in Agriculture and MPhil in Crop Science (Plant Breeding and Genetics) from the University of Ghana. He also holds a Certificate Seed Business Management from the University of Nairobi, Kenya.
Mr. Azinu served as a Research Technician at the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement, University of Ghana from 2011 – 2016. On this job, he was the sole responsible for all aspects of hybrid maize breeding working directly under the famous maize breeder, Dr. Charles The of blessed memory. Mr. Azinu distinguished himself as a dedicated, hardworking person and was instrumental in the development of three hybrid maize varieties that have been released by WACCI for commercialization. From February to November 2016, Mr. Azinu served as a Consultant on early generation seeds study in Ghana on a USAID project. He served as a board member of National Seed Trade Association of Ghana (NASTAG) from 2017 -2021, where he chaired the Technical Committee of the association from 2017 up to date. Currently, Amos is the Sectoral Board Member of WACCI, University of Ghana.