

Seeds from the formal system is able to plant 6% of area cropped in Ghana with the informal system supplying seeds for the remaining 94%. Current output of 213MT supplies 25% of farmers with replacement of seeds every 4 years.Soya is also produced by smallholder farmers under rained conditions. Under these subsistence methods, soya yields

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Cowpea seeds from the formal system are only able to plant 1% of area cropped. The informal system supplies 99% of seeds research has showed.  Current output of 55MT supplies, and 5% of farmers replace seeds every 4 years.

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Maize has most market present in Ghana in terms of seed production and marketing. However, about 3% of maize area planted in Ghana is hybrids from the formal system whilst 87% of seeds was supplied. LEGACY 8by the informal system mainly OPVs and farmer’s saved seeds. This is partly due to fact many local seed

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